As a creative person, you may feel trapped by what society expects of you. You may dislike the way you feel strangers view you. Our parents, schools and even peers have rules of what’s expected of us. The pressure to be something big and make money can wreak havoc with our sense of self. Society may have branded you many things, despite your own identity as a misunderstood inspired soul. Most creative people are like square pegs told all their lives to fit into round holes. We like to stay up late, we don’t care much for 9-5 jobs, and aren’t usually following the crowd. Actually, the crowd is usually snickering about us behind our backs, probably secretly wishing they were more oblivious to what others think of them.
If this is you, a free spirit who marches to his or her own drummer, have faith, on Film Courage you are amongst friends. Our guests are like-minded people, who didn’t follow the crowd, and have blossomed into something great, only to have the crowd follow them.
In the words of another kindred character, playwright, poet and writer, Oscar Wilde, a man no stranger to following his own internal compass, he reminds us that
“Only Dull People are Brilliant at Breakfast.”